Few things scare us more than spiders.  They are seen nearly every day when you go outside, but they are also not uncommon to find in our homes.  Many things can attract spiders to our home and even if you haven’t seen many spiders, you may have seen their eggs about your home and land. Seeing these can also strike fear in kids and adults alike.  If you don’t know what you are looking for, here is an easy guide to identify spider eggs.

Hiding Places

Look around your house and yard.  Typically, where you find spider eggs are in places that are not disturbed often.  In and on your home, you may spot spider eggs hanging in spider webs,  affixed to leaves and plants, hanging in the eaves, in corners of your porch or deck, in attics and crawlspaces, under countertops, in closets, garage sheds and other outdoor areas or in dark corners of your home.  Spiders, like the common wolf spider, carry their egg sack on their backs.

What Spider Eggs Look Like

Spider eggs range in color from white to yellow to orange and brown.  If you spot silky sacs that can be from round to flat in shape, it’s probably filled with spider eggs.  They more commonly are white, but they can be as dark as brown, depending on the species.  The size of spider eggs are also quite varied, some are small but others can be larger than the spider itself.  Some spiders like the black widow make a white or yellowish sac that is round and spiky.

Spiders have a three-stage life cycle going from egg to nymph to full-grown adult spider. Spiders, depending on the species, will breed from spring into the fall months.  They keep their eggs in silken egg sacs to protect them from predators.  Inside the egg sac, there can be as few as two eggs to as many as 1000 eggs, depending on the species.

If you believe you have a spider infestation, call the professionals at All-Natural Pest Elimination to help at 877-662-8449.  Our exterminators can help you identify spiders, spider eggs and other unwanted guests and eliminate them for your safety, call us today and we will evaluate your home to see what pest control measures you need.