Our home pests don’t always come in the shape of creepy little bugs. Instead, as the season turns colder, be on the lookout for two destructive culprits: roof moss and dry rot fungus. What are they and how can you  eliminate these pests? Read on to find out!

Roof Moss

The beauty of the northwest lies in the gorgeous climate for greenery. Unfortunately, the greenery isn’t always welcome. Moss can grow under the tiles of your roof and pop them out of place. Even worse, that moss can retain moisture and cause major water damage to the structure of your home. If moss should also find its way into your gutters, you will also find that blockage will occur. Preventing the necessary flow of rain through your gutters will have your home begging for costly water damage.

The longer the moss remains on your roof, the higher the likelihood that serious damage will occur. The moss collects moisture and keeps it in the colder months. Eventually this can lead to leaks in your roof, mold growth or wood decay. The moss does look deceptively beautiful making some homeowners hold off on removing it. However, for the sake of the structural integrity of your home, you should take action against roof moss.

Extermination Options

Your home’s structure is important to monitor and keep strong. If you’ve identified roof moss taking a toll on your home, it’s time to fight back. All Natural Pest Elimination is equipped to exterminate this damaging pest. By using our own eco-friendly solutions we can put an end to your impending home damage. We choose to avoid synthetic chemicals because we value keeping the environment intact and your family safe. Exterminate this damaging pest by contacting All Natural Pest Elimination today.

All Natural Pest Elimination is pleased to serve the Medford, Eugene and Roseburg areas and beyond. Click here to request a visit from us and we’ll help you create an action plan against this upcoming season of pests.